Not being a moron is Paramount to being a good guest

My final day in Los Angeles. Boo. I really did need another day or two, as I missed out on Disneyland and I didn’t get to all the restaurants and cafes recommended to me. But with a midday check-out and a tour of Paramount Studios not scheduled until 1pm, I had a sleep in! Apparently I needed it, when I woke up at 10am I felt like I had been woken up way too early. But the lure of old Hollywood was just TOO DAMN STRONG!

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Universal appreciation of not being the embarrassing Australian on the tour

My Saturday in Los Angeles was devoted to a package deal I had booked through StarLine Tours which was billed as Universal Studios and Movie Stars’ Homes tour. Which it was, however it was not until I was picked up from the hotel and we got ready to leave their offices that it was mentioned we would do the Hollywood tour BEFORE Universal, not after as I had thought. I was hoping to get in to Universal early, beat the crowds, and then spend the afternoon exhausted and sitting in the back of a van looking at houses.

Continue reading “Universal appreciation of not being the embarrassing Australian on the tour”

My first taste of Hollywood and feeling like a film set VIP

Friday morning I shot out of bed quick as a flash at about 7.30am because a bus was picking me up at 8.50am and I had to get ready and scoff some breakfast downstairs at the cafe. I inhaled some toast and a cappuccino, which had the consistency of a weak Nespresso pod run under a hot tap, and jumped on a shuttle bus to LA City Tours.

Continue reading “My first taste of Hollywood and feeling like a film set VIP”

Checking in while mentally checked out: my first day in LA

I need to say, straight from the start, I didn’t think I would like LA much at all and so I only booked in four days in total. But due to a few people and a lot of amazing and fun experiences, I now wish I had booked a longer stay and am already working out how I can get over here again.

Continue reading “Checking in while mentally checked out: my first day in LA”